Disha Vaswani Disha Vaswani

Training and Development for Schools

Specially curated professional development workshops for teachers and administrative staff, and enrichment workshops for students and parents

Teacher Workshops

We conduct specially curated professional development workshops to up-skill the 21st Century Teacher covering the following aspects:

  • Active learning strategies

  • Maximising student learning

  • Socio-emotional learning

  • Classroom management

  • Academic data management

  • Competency and outcome-based learning

  • Exposure to global pedagogies

  • Polishing of soft skills such as communication, time management, professionalism as teachers, emotional intelligence, goal setting and much more

With rich classroom experience across curricula, we ensure that each module is relevant, contextual, practical and hands-on with some fun at the same time.

Student Workshops

These sessions are designed to bridge the gap between academics and real-life skills and foster the all-round development of the 21st Century leaner. All of our workshops are curated and conducted by an internationally certified soft-skills trainer.
Parent Workshops

Special sessions for parents to understand the 21st Century child and learner, enabling them to build stronger and happier bonds, and effective home-school partnerships.

Special workshops for school administrative team

Professional development workshops specially designed for the school administrative team is the need of the hour in schools to ensure enhanced productivity and effective alignment to deliverables. Each department is empowered with skills and mind sets to always help them think one step ahead of a school’s needs.

Soft Skill Development Workshops

Soft skill-based competencies will account for two-thirds of all jobs by 2030. The question to ask ourselves is- are we equipped? IEL strongly believes in soft skills being an important part in reaching higher productivity and job satisfaction, thereby putting one on an accelerated path to success. Our customised soft skill workshops cater to these needs in a practical and hands-on manner.

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Disha Vaswani Disha Vaswani

School Metamorphosis

Customised solutions for Management and Head of Schools

Customised solutions for Management and Head of Schools

We provide end-to-end solutions for schools including:

  • Creating and executing SOPs (standard operating procedures)

  • Creating and executing school improvement plans

  • Streamlining existing structures

  • Strategies to consolidate and enhance school culture

  • Strategies for enhanced productivity and quality deliverables

All deliverables are shared via layered reporting structures for Management, Head of Schools, Coordinators and/or any other stakeholder respectively.

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Disha Vaswani Disha Vaswani

Classroom Audits

Assessing teaching-learning quality

Assessing teaching-learning quality

We conduct classroom observations along with an assessment of academic data to discern the quality of teaching-learning in schools, along with a better understanding of the impact created by teachers in classrooms. Through carefully defined benchmarks and parameters, we obtain qualitative and quantitative data, which is shared in a confidential report with School Heads and Management, covering gap analysis, strategies to bridge gaps and remedial measures to be undertaken.

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Disha Vaswani Disha Vaswani

Curriculum Support

Enriching curriculums to be in synch with 21st Century Learning

Enriching curriculums to be in sync with 21st Century Learning

IEL provides support in helping schools refurbish their curriculum framework in the areas of macro and micro plans as well as incorporating elements of 21st century learning and competency-based learning.

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